Boston, U.S.A.

Boston, U.S.A.
Downtown Boston after the Great Fire

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's the Hunnie, Honey!!!

So I was hunkered down in Tiepolo’s on Newbury with my best girlfriend Sarah Caldwell. (I know, I know--- she’s dead. But, hey, even the dead can’t turn down lunch with the Great Gal Thomas).

Anyhoo, we got to talking about the state of Boston theatre and the Divine Sarah was just breaking into our fourth bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape.

“Gal,” Sarah sez, “nobody in this burgh knows stagecraft like you do. Why don’t you get on your bloggie thing and give out the annual award for Boston theatre?”

“No interest,” is my quick witted reply. “There’s just not enough good stuff around this ville to earn my imprimatur.”

“That’s just my point,” pipes up the irrepressable Sarah, never one to let an argument lie on the table. “Yours would be the most coveted award in Boston! You hate everything so everybody and his second best agent despises you with a passion! If you actually gave out a best of award, people would absolutely faint.

“Sarah, dear,” is my snappy retort. “Do you want to pick up the tab here? This stuff is $65 a bottle, you know. Maybe you should…”

“Come on, Gal! Just do it! You could call it the Hunnie, honey!”

“Okay, okay,” I say, in an uncharacteristic moment of agreement. “I’ll do it. But you have to do the nominations. Write down four productions from last season and I’ll pick the best of ‘em.”

Sarah gives me one of her knowing smiles and jots down something on a napkin and passes it over. Boy, do I give this list a George W. smirk! But at least the Cantankerous Caldwell gives me one viable option…

Runners up go first:

The Little Dog Laughed: SpeakEasy Stage. Ugh, hand me the pooper-scooper, we need to clean up after this mess.

Shining City: Huntington Theatre Co. Okay, okay, let’s wash this one off the mean streets.

Love Lies Bleeding: Way Theatre. Rubber gloves and body bag, please.

And here (drum roll please) is the FIRST annual HUNNIE award!!!

BLOWING WHISTLES, directed by my BRILLIANT main man, gentleman and scholar, THOMAS GARVEY, who actually shocked and shamed the critics into PANNING this masterpiece.

Way to go, Thom!!! Not a peep of complaint from you about how unfairly this production got TRASHED! You aren’t only the best director in Boston, you are the most MODEST!!!!

Looking forward to the fall season of Boston culture, this is your resident genius!

Gal Thomas